Advanced Cycle Counts

by ERP Connect Consulting LLC

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Manage, Schedule, and Execute Cycle Counts in Business Central like never before!

Advanced Cycle Counts will let you setup and manage your cycle count process. This includes:

  • Automatically Calculating your Counting Periods (Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, Biannually, Annually) on all your items.
  • Calculate Item Ranking based on Inventory Value or Percent of Sales.
  • Automatically Create full Annual Calendar of Cycle Counting all your items based on the above settings.

All this can be done within 15 minutes of installing this extension. Simply setup a few data points, and it's all done for you.

In addition, you now have a Role Center for Cycle Counting that will let your users see the next items that need to be counted. Once they
start the count, it will lead them thru counting items at a Location/Bin level, for each relevant level setup for that item. This also includes
being able to do cycle count on each lot/serial no. within that location/bin.

Once count is entered, it will create and post each entry as a physical count and then move on to the next item (no batches needed)!

You have options to exclude items from being counted, as well as excluding locations and bins.

Option to email group when counts generate inventory adjustments (by percent or dollar amount).

Finally, an in-depth Count History is saved for any analysis you want to do, and includes a Cycle Count Dashboard that provides some
built-in analytics.

At a glance